Bob Hodges Transport DVDs

This is my on line shop where you can purchase my DVDs, I am both the cameraman and producer of these videos and I bring many years of transport knowledge and enthusiasm to these productions. I specialise in tramway,  light rail and bus videos and I try to show the vehicles in everyday use and special occasions . The subjects that I choose are all of great interest to me and I hope of interest to the enthusiast community. All DVDs are in wide screen (16 x 9) format and are PAL (UK) although it is possible to make DVDs for other regions to special order.  All DVDs are sent post free in the UK. 

It is easy to order from this website, scroll down on this page to the images below and click on the image of the dvd that you wish to look at and the full description of the dvd will come up. If you would like to order the DVD, add to basket, click on display basket (top left hand corner) to see what you have ordered.

IMPORTANT, If you wish to pay by credit card or debit card or from your Paypal account if you have one, click on CHECKOUT, on the next page, go to order without registering, then enter your name address etc., the next page goes to standard delivery (the only option), next page click on Paypal Express Checkout, the next page confirm order and buy now, this will take you to the Paypal Log In page, don't log in but go to the PAY BY CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD, tab, click on this and the next page is for entering your card no. etc.

If you have difficulties with the Paypal payment, place your order anyway and I can email a Paypal invoice which is a much easier way to pay.

It is possible to pay by cheque or Postal Order (UK only) please post me you order with a cheque payable to Mr R Hodges, sent to my address, 41 Camphill Road, West Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 6EG.  Apologies for the somewhat lengthy Paypal process, this has recently changed, but if you follow the procedure above, your payment should go through OK.

Gent Tramways 150 DVD
Sheffield Trams
£15.00 *
Lisbon Trams
£15.00 *
Nottingham Trams
£15.00 *
Blackpool 125
£15.00 *
London Tramlink
£15.00 *
Malta Buses 2014
£15.00 *
Prices incl. VAT, including delivery