Excerpts from this DVD on Youtube.
Malta Public Transport Services Ltd. ( The MPT) took over the running of the bus services in Malta & Gozo at the start of 2014 after Arriva, who had been the contractor since July 2011, pulled out after making a considerable financial loss. This DVD was filmed in June 2014 and shows the situation at this time. The MPT inherited the fleet of King Long buses from Arriva plus some Optare Solos and some low floor former route buses taken over in 2011. The MPT has also leased some Volvo B7RLE/Wrightbus buses and some Optare Solos, these arrived in Malta in the spring and early summer of 2014. More variety is provided by independent operators on routes under contract to the MPT, these buses are needed following the demise of the ex London bendybuses in 2013, all sorts of vehicles are used by the independent operators ranging from 40 year old coaches to modern low floor buses. All this means that there is still considerable variety of buses in operation in Malta in 2014. There are still a few of the old route buses to be seen in Malta & Gozo, they have been immaculately restored and are available for tourist use and school bus duties. Subtitles, no commentary, enjoy the sights & sounds of buses in Malta & Gozo. Wide screen, PAL UK system, running time 70 minutes.