This video features the Tram Weekend 2023 event at the National Tramway Museum, Crich Tramway Village, Derbyshire, UK. This event took place on 16th/17th September 2023, 12 of the museum's trams were in service over the weekend and 13 more were displayed on the depot fan including London County Council tram no. 1 'Bluebird', and Newcastle Corporation no. 102, both of which had almost completed lengthy restorations to full working order, both trams are expected to enter service in 2024. An intensive service was operated on both days of the event, once again it was another great weekend at the museum.
Wide screen, PAL system, no commentary, enjoy the sights & sounds of trams at Crich. Running time 70 minutes
Excerpts from this DVD can be seen on You Tube: